Sorry I’m Late….

Hello chums.

Yes, I’m sorry I’m late. I’ve been back in time you see. To the 1980’s to be precise.

“How have you done that Wayne?” I hear you ask. “Have you invented some sort of crazy time machine powered by sunlight & moonbeams?”

No my fellow bloggers. No time travel or bizarre dream sequence – I’ve simply been immersing myself back in the fashions of the 1980’s. And let me tell you, it’s not a pretty sight.

As someone who is old enough to remember the 80’s, can I just ask “what the hell were we thinking?!”


Bejewelled crop tops, giant shoulder pads and enough denim to cover the land mass of Africa! And not even good denim – I’d happily punch in the face whoever it was who thought stonewash was a good idea!

The fashion was terrible. Researching this project meant finding appalling images such as that one above and immediately wanting to wash my eyes out with bleach (don’t try that at home kids…)

Anyway, all this reminiscing about the 80’s was all for a good cause as it was the basis for one of my final projects for this college term. I wanted to do a fashion shoot but with an 80’s theme (not that one above).

I concentrated on the types of images that the top fashion houses were putting out at that time and looked at pop videos, especially Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” video. They all tended to depict strong, confident women, in charge and in control and I liked that idea so that was my plan.

I am also lucky enough to have both a make up artist and willing model in my family so after a quick trip around vintage clothes shops and local charity shops, a call to my niece and a booking made for the studio, everything was ready for my 80’s style fashion shoot.

I really hope you like the results. I am extremely proud of the images. I’m only half way through editing but really wanted to share some of the images with you now.

I must also say one GIGANTIC thank you to my niece Georgia for modelling for me and doing the make up – she was simply fantastic. I also want to thank Dan for helping with the lighting. He is a complete star!

So you know what to do – scroll back up to the top after reading this, click Image Gallery, scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find the images. And while you’re there, pop a comment or two on them if you feel the urge.

The 80’s eh? Almost makes me want to shave my mullet off….

“Don’t Stop Me Now…”


Not my words…

The title of the Queen song written by the late, great Freddie Mercury.

But I must admit chums, I think I might just bloomin’ well adopt it as my theme tune!

After yesterday’s photo shoot with the wonderful Talia White and model Hannah Gardner, I kind of feel like nothing can stop me!

The shoot went better than expected, I’m super pleased with my pictures and (so far) the editing is coming along very nicely thank you very much.

I’ve already uploaded some of the images into the Image Gallery – feel free to click and have a look. Oh, and if you could jot a few comments on them, I’d like that.

I must admit, I wasn’t looking forward to shooting fashion pictures yesterday, I really wasn’t. I couldn’t see how I was going to motivate myself to get through it but I guess when you’re presented with an opportunity like that, sometimes it can surprise you and give you a different outlook.

Up to this point, I would have chosen the ‘Street Photographer’ job title and painted all over me but shooting those pictures yesterday and looking them now in the cold light of day, I’m really not sure that I can take that job title and make it exclusive.

So I guess what I’m saying is keep an eye on my Image Gallery; there maybe more than just street pictures appearing in there over the coming months.

So in the words of the great man “Don’t stop me now,  I’m having such a good time, I’m having a ball !”

Thanks Freddie…