Put Food In Me….



…Or rather take pictures of food, and then put food in me…

That’s what I’ve been up to this week chums. Food photography. And it’s quite a challenge.

Firstly, let me tell you that when shooting food photography, you have to know that your models won’t take direction very well, some of them may smell and worst of all, some of them may even melt before your very eyes.

I was shooting some pics for an “Italian” food theme and before all of my Italian chums start shouting “Mamma Mia!!” and playing the stereotype card, (Oops..double whammy there..) I’ll apologise in advance and say we had a limited budget. But hey, I think we made a pretty good job.

Food photography is big business. How many fancy cookbooks and idiot guides to cookery would Jamie Oliver, Heston Blumenthal & Dame Delia Smith sell without it? Not many let me tell you. Rather than running successful restaurants, you’d more likely find them working in burger vans or greasy spoon cafe’s I shouldn’t wonder. I very much doubt your average truck driver would want a deconstructed bacon & egg sandwich served on a slate tile with tomato ketchup foam or a brown sauce jus….looking at you Heston….

I must tell you though, I quite liked shooting a few food pics. At first, it makes you quite hungry but after arranging and re-arranging and then someone else arranging it and re-arranging it, then spraying it with water and glycerin to give it that “just picked from the field” look and then arranging it some more, it was about as tempting to eat as vacuum cleaner dust.

Anyways, I’ve uploaded a couple of the images into the Image Gallery so you know the drill – when you’re done reading this, scroll back up to the top, click on Image Gallery and scroll down to the bottom and Hey Presto! The food photography images!

Isn’t technology marvellous?

I thank you….


Food, glorious food…


I think we can all agree that photography would be our first passion but I bet food isn’t far behind. I know if I had the choice of a Krispy Kreme 12 pack or a go with the new Canon 7D Mark II, I’d be licking the jam and sugar off my fingers LONG before thinking about shutter speeds or Aperture Priority…

With our food photography session coming up at college, my chums over at Shutterstock.com have sent me a rather lovely link all about 7 of who they think are the best food photographers around at the moment so I thought it only fair and proper to share it with you; maybe get your brains salivating as well as your mouths!!

Here you go – click here for all the foodie goodness…