Your attention please, your attention please…..




I’m not running for your local council or the Presidency of the United States (although that would be a bit of a laugh wouldn’t it? Just imagine…me in charge of the free world…free giraffe’s for everyone and compulsory blueberry muffins on Fridays…)

So why do I need your votes? Well, I love my followers so much (I do you know!), I’d like your opinion on some of my images that I’m thinking of entering in a competition and I can’t decide on which one to submit. I’ve narrowed it down to a list of 10 so all I’m asking of you is to vote for your favourite.

Below are the images and underneath are the names of each one. The voting will be at the bottom so if you would be so kind, click on your favourite and I’ll just love you that little bit more than I do now…

In Search of the Blues…



Is yours A.O.K?

Or is it D.O.A? Do you need to send an S.O.S?

So before you ask yourself, “Has Wayne gone acronym-crazy?”, I’d better explain myself…

A few weeks ago, my Solihull College chums and I were set a task to roam the streets of Birmingham freely and capture images that represent one of the three main colours that make up the primary colour mix, Red, Green & Blue.

I’m going to presume by this point, you’ve realised which colour my group was asked to find…

It was quite amazing just how many things in everyday life have just these primary colours so below are a few of the items I found. Most of the images were taken using my iPhone so aren’t of the usual standard you may have become accustomed to on this blog. I’m so embarrassed….